Our friendly, dedicated, and energetic team is committed to working with you and your family to create a positive experience every time you visit our practice.
We welcome you with warm smiles to our practice!
Laura Rodriguez
Office Manager
13 years with the team
Laura A. Fierro
Marketing & Treatment Coordinator
13 years with the team
Orthodontic Assistants
Argy Taylor
10 years with the team
Erica Garcia
10 years with the team
Janette Zamora
1 year with the team
Vanessa Castrejon
1 year with the team
Brenda Zamora
1 year with the team
Front Desk
Jacqueline Zamora
Schedule Coordinator
3 years with the team
Jessica Garcia
Front Desk – Receptionist
1 year with the team
Billing Coordinator

Marisol Valenzuela
13 years with the team
Georgina Rodriguez
12 years with the team